Dave's Journal, July 2020

The Sunny Days of Summer Are Here !!!


(Pinhole "lens" image)

The View from Mike's Hammock Today


Would you send $$$ to some lady in Latvia to buy her Russian-made lens?
I did .....


Would you drop $$$ on a bellows set to take microscopic pictures using lenses that went out of business 25 years ago?
I did ....


Would you take a photo through a dirty window screen?
I did....


Dave's Journal is 13 years old

Started this web page in July2007. Said to myself, give it 2 weeks to see how I feel about it.

Lots of water under the bridge since then.

Not much to report on lately (2020), due to the COVIC19 lockdown and we are not getting out much, but I still enjoy typing stuff and posting pictures now and then.

Actually, the wave of new cases in the US is getting worse.


First Breakfast: Banana / Raisin / Ensure Shake


(Actually tastes very good ! )

Two Close-ups. One with my "new" bellows, one with an extension tube.
Brother Bob's 50mm Minolta lens for both.



Tree Bark (inside surface, shellaced)


(It's abstract "Art")

Yeh . . . all I've been doing is posting pictures here, but honestly I am not getting out to do much these day, so .... have some hostas from the front yard today after a rain...



Well, sad to say that Blue is back in the clinic tonight. At least one, maybe 3 nights ahead. Maybe an MRI Monday.

Keeping our fingers crossed and hopes up for the little guy.


A shot of espresso in my Ensure will get me through the morning.

Well, it's Tuesday night, and Blue is still in the animal hospital, basically on "life support", while we wait for blood test results and a final analysis and what to do about it. Hope springs eternal, but he still has a fever, they are IV'ing fluids into him, syringe feeding him when he won't eat.

The vet's cat actually went through this and it was not a happy ending. We are hopeful but . . . . .

He is such a sweet, unassuming cat with a tough start in life. We hate to throw in the towel on him.


Great travel video from 2009 about Uzbekistan. This was a major marketplace along The Silk Road, way back when Marco Polo was exploring. Beautiful place, lovely people, I really enjoyed it.

Rudy Maxa's travel, Season 2, Episode 4.







jpg The clinic sent Blue home to wait for the liver test results. He is not better, not worse, they still don't have a diagnosis. I just got his daily prednisone pill into him, so that's good.

I sat in the yard a bit (it is hot and very humid, as it rained last night) and this bug landed on me. Well, actually a bunch of various bugs landed on me but this was the most interesting. It was as big as it looks here !

Quoting the President of the United States (news interview, explaining his mental health)

"I said to the doctor, it was Dr. Ronny Jackson. I said, 'Is there some kind of a test, an acuity test?' " Mr. Trump recalled on Wednesday. "And he said, 'There actually is,' and he named it, whatever it might be."

Then the president elaborated for several minutes.

"It was 30 to 35 questions," Mr. Trump said. "The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question. It's, like, you'll go: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. So they say, 'Could you repeat that?' So I said,"Yeah. It's: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.' "

" 'OK, that's very good. If you get it in order you get extra points,' " Mr. Trump said a doctor told him. "OK, now he's asking you other questions, other questions, and then, 10 minutes, 15, 20 minutes later they say, 'Remember that first question - not the first - but the 10th question? Give us that again. Can you do that again?' "

"And you go: 'Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV,' " Mr. Trump said. "If you get it in order, you get extra points."

"They said nobody gets it in order," Mr. Trump said. "It's actually not that easy, but for me, it was easy. And that's not an easy question. In other words, they ask it to you, they give you five names and you have to repeat 'em. And that's OK. If you repeat 'em out of order, it's OK, but, you know, it's not as good. But when you go back about 20, 25 minutes later and they say go back to that - they don't tell you this - "Go back to that question and repeat 'em, can you do it?' And you go: "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV."

"They say, 'That's amazing. How did you do that?' " Mr. Trump continued. "I do it because I have, like, a good memory, because I'm cognitively there."

Art in the back yard.


At last I was able to get out and see something other than this house and the supermarket. The local art museum opened and there I went. Had the place to myself and the guards. One interesting video display - multilayered videos. I could not photograph them very well, but there's a sample below. Then there's a still image of me in a weird 2-piece sliding mirror thing, the purpose of which I don't get (must be "art").



