Dave's Journal, June2020

Massacusetts virus case are going in the proper direction.


Protestors: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

By my calculations, 85% of people who show up at "protests" are decent, intelligent folks with the best intention - make the world better.

Then there's the right wing sidewalk antagonists (5%) with their political agendas (nothing to do with the protest), waving the Flag, the Bible, The Constitution and their AR-15s or AK-47's.

Then there's the left wing sidewalk antagonists (5%) with their political agendas (nothing to do with the protest), smoking joints, holding up signs that say "Cops are Pigs", "Nazis Suck", "______ Lives Matter", "Save the _____" etc etc

Then, just as these 95% head for home, there's this 5% worthless crowd of shitheads who show up to riot, smash, burn, steal, make the front page.
It's these 5% front page shitheads that make 100% of us look like a city of violent morons.
But I have a way of dealing with them: the police on the ground should withdraw from the area and helicopters fly in and gas these shitheads from the air. When the air clears, the wagons come in, load the unconscious bodies on a garbage barge. Ship them to North Korea.

Our Woman on the Ground in Boston

Despite a whole lot of family anxiety about her safety, Emma L. felt strongly enough to attend the George Floyd protest in Boston yesterday. Happily, her trip went well and safely, and she returned home with the 95% of peaceful folk who attended. (The rioting mob showed up after dark, when most everyone had left.)

This is what the actual protest looked like from Emma's camera .....



Postscript: By the way .... congrats to Emma - a 2020 college grad, driven to make the world better than the one we handed her.
(BUT BE SAFE DOING IT !!! - you getting hit with a brick does not make the world better.)

Sleepy Luka


About 90 Days Into COVID19 Lockdown


History will not look kindly on 2020.

The World Has Officially Lost it's ####ing Mind


1. Glad that I have my own DVD of this movie.
2. Glad that I don't have to spend another lifetime down here.

jpg Teeth: Today I had the last of my teeth extracted, and an upper denture made, I was amazed how smooth;y things went. They gave me 4mg of lerazepam and a whiff of gas. They do things differently now regarding dentures. It's kind of working out for me (today at least). The pain shot are wearing off tonight, so I switch to tylenol for sleeping.


Mouth is very sour and lots of bleeding which is not typical. I'll be blending my food til this all settles down.

Went to Chris' & Mike's for his birthday. Again I was lured into the wonderful world of hammocks.

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The View from My Hammock




US Father's Day Report Card

I guess the good news is that 95% of the people who get it, don't die.

The bad news is that it's not going away quietly.


It has been forever since I got out of here with my camera, and today was the day (even if it was drizzling). Went to the botanic garden. Was laughable fidgeting with an umbrella and camera - even had to change the battery standing up holding an umbrella while I opened the camera. But . . . it was good to be there.

Below are a few pictures.




And, then there's the bad news .....


Neon Sign in Boston (July 2018)

