We had never been here before. The day was perfect and we learned that the "south shore" is beautiful, which changed our image of it as being just a huge marshfield. It is really beautiful. We liked it better than Cape Cod.
Saw Plymouth Rock (which is enshrined in a cage and kind of a Roman structure) and a Mayflower replica, which needs a LOT of renovating as far as I am concerned - looks like they threw it together with scrap wood from Lowe's dumpster.
Peter drove us north a bit into Duxbury - too beautiful ! This is a town that gets a false wrap because it sounds like "Dorchester" and "Roxbury" combined, which are Boston suburbs laced with drugs and violence. But I can tell you that Duxbury is on the other side of the world from that ! The sandy beach pictures below are in Duxbury. The homes are gorgeous and expensive.