Dave's Journal, Sep2020


I tried to identify the car above, but no luck, because it has been somewhat modified. I thought the "flying lady" hood ornament would nail it down, but turns out lots of cars used lots of variations of that ornament.

Closest I can guess is 1935-8 Cadillac.

Note the front doors are the "suicide design" (they open rearward). Typically, it was the rear doors were that type.


Cousin Pete sent me an ad from the distant past. These were plastic horses mounted on springs to a metal frame. I am pretty sure that Brother Bob had one of thes back in very early 1950's, but I could not find a picture to show.

I enjoy looking up vintage toys-for-sale on Ebay. Tempting to buy some, but I don't need another hobby, and have no place to put more stuff. Still, the pictures bring back dreams and memories.

I love to hear people scream for federal tax cuts. I would ask them
"Okay, cut everyone's taxes by 25%.
That is the government's income, so not to increase the federal deficit, you have to cut 25% from government spending.
Below is the piechart of what the feds spend your taxes on. (Note that the 6% for interest on the debt cannot be reduced.)
You tell me what 25% you think Congress would agree to cut out of this budget."


Thank you, Mike




As I have often said, "it's a disease". I sold a 28mm Pentax Takumar and just bought this 24mm cutie, from Japan. With the "speed booster" I already have, this will be my widest rectilinear (non-fisheye) lens.
This makes me happy.


Every year I promise to buy a hammock for the back yard, but it never happens. I do get to spend a few quiet times in Mike's hammock. Here's a photo. I made it to look "atmospheric".




Still cracks me up ....

A Butterfly


Spent a really nice yesterday at Susie D-C's place. (She is one of Deb's high school "sisters".) Was an excellent time and perfect weather.


This morning, had breakfast with an old GE buddy and we then walked 2 miles around the park, trying to get some fresh air and sunshine. Came home, had an espresso, and ate some healthy snacks (below) before settling onto the porch.



(Taking pictures of everything just to hear the shutter click !!!)

"Art" (from my walk in the woods)


Dave at a Car Show (years back)


Scary Weeds !!!!

